During these uncertain times, one thing is certain, it’s a challenging time to be peaceful and have peace of mind.  All the more reason we need to take care of ourselves.  Aside from keeping our loved ones and ourselves safe at this given time, nourishing our bodies and minds with vitamin-enriched foods and taking the time for a little pampering is what is needed the most.  One way this can happen is by practicing self-care on a weekly, if not on a daily basis.

As an esthetician and massage therapist, I naturally believe in the value of self-care.  As our lives have turned upside down and with most of our spas and salons closed due to recommendations by the CDC, it takes more effort to find creative ways to be good to ourselves.

Don’t lose faith though!  “This too shall pass.”  The doors to salon and spas will open up eventually and we will be back to our much-needed hair, massage, and facial time!  Until this does happen, read about five ways you can treat and pamper yourself starting today.


5 Ways To Pamper Yourself at Home

1.  Experiment with a new hair color with an at-home dye kit. My hairdresser friends frown upon using box colors from the store at home, yet sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do!  I personally haven’t experimented with dyeing my own hair, yet my twin sister tried a hair color treatment she ordered online from Madison Reed and it came out great. Check them out if you are brave enough.

2.  Try a new toothbrush. It sounds funny, yet I read someone’s suggestion to buy a new toothbrush to help feel pampered. I laughed and thought that was such an odd suggestion, yet buying a new toothbrush did make me feel better! I love the organic Radius Toothbrush™ . It’s really great for sensitive teeth and gums and has an amazing design. If you are safe and staying home, you can order from home their website and enter the code {LOVEMYTOOTHBRUSH} to get a discount.


3.  Take a relaxing spa-style bath in your own home, complete with candles and low lighting. Don’t forget to add soothing essential oils to add to the bath or a diffuser. The better skin-loving oils to try are lavender, chamomile, and rose.  There are several Essential Oil companies to choose from.  One of my favorites is Young Living.

4.  Meditate. If you are anything like yours truly, I have a challenging time just being still. Last year, I was introduced to a wonderful meditation by Master Stephen Co that I love to do when I take the time. You can find it on YouTube, Twin Hearts Meditation if you would like an easy-to-follow guided meditation.  It was life-changing for me and maybe for you as well. One study I read which included over 3,500 adults, showed that meditation lives up to its reputation for stress reduction.

5.  Cleanse, Tone, Moisturize! While most of our luxuries are put on hold, we can do our best to keep our skin glowing and our overall health in check. I love the idea that people are doing a lot of DIY masques. I used to use a honey and oatmeal mask when I was younger, although it was a bit messy! If you are going try making your own mask, be careful which ingredients you choose because they may do more harm than good.






If D.I.Y. is not your thing, you can get an instant glow from our best selling Oxygen Mask from our Amadi Skintek line. My own skin is glowing as it has never before!  We love this mask because it’s odorless and colorless and ideal to give you an added healthy glow.

Use it as a mask or apply on skin and wear overnight while it nourishes and moisturizes your face with oxygen, aloe vera, and MSM.  This amazing mask beautifies and conditions the skin while creating a youthful glow that you will love.

Order today and receive free shipping!   Visit us at  https//: www.skinrenewalstudio.com